About Gili Island in Lombok | Trawangan| Meno | Air | Gede | Nanggu| Ringgit

About Gili Island in Lombok| Trawangan| Meno| Air| Gede| Nanggu| Ringgit
About Gili Island in Lombok| Trawangan| Meno| Air| Gede| Nanggu| Ringgit

About Gili Island in Lombok | Trawangan| Meno | Air | Gede | Nanggu | Ringgit.


Gili Means “Island” and mostly those Gili located off the North_West coast of Lombok, about 20 km north of Senggigi, can be found in the trio of islands as THE GILIS, Gili Air, Gili Meno, and Gili Trawangan. Others can be found at South West Lombok such as Gili Nanggu, Gede, Ringgit, Sudak and Etc. East Lombok also there are some Gilis such as Gili Sulat and Tangkong . All these GILIS have spectacular white sandy beaches, and sparkling blue water and are encircled by beautiful coral reefs containing the very rare blue coral and thousands of species of marine life. Snorkeling and divers flock to these islands to indulge in an underwater fantasy.

Throughout the day public boats leave from Bangsal, on the North West coast of Lombok to carry some passengers to the islands but it is also possible to charter a boat from there and in Senggigi as well, to take you to your chosen island or for island hopping.

There are no cars or motorbikes on any of these islands just CIDOMOS (horse-drawn carts), and bicycles so the peace and quiet, make it a pleasure to stay here. Another way to see the island is to take a walk around them on the sandy pathways. Or learn to ride a horse and take guided rides around Trawangan! And don’t forget to climb the hill on Trawangan for spectacular sunrises and sunsets!

Gili Trawangan has a reputation as being the “PARY ISLAND” and it has a host of other attractions. The beaches invite visitors to swim, snorkel, sunbathe or just laze around chatting to the locals under the shady trees.

Accommodation ranges from very classy to cheap basic lodgings. Restaurants and warungs are in abundance and also cater to all tastes and budgets. Many of these host nighttime parties which start late and go on until they are finished.

The Pasar Seni or Gili Trawangan Island Art Market is a good shopping spot for Gili and Lombok souvenirs and necessities and there are quite a few places offering internet access. Dive companies abound, catering to all levels of divers and in many languages. It is possible for snorkellers to accompany dive trips off the island. For activities such as Water-skiing, try to organize with some dive companies on the island. Glass bottom can also be hired for viewing the marine life and the fantastic coral.

Trawangan is home to the Gili Eco trust which involves the dive companies and the local community working together to preserve and improve the marine environment around the islands.

https://panduanturis.blogspot.com/2022/08/About Gili Island in Lombok Trawangan Meno Air Gede Nanggu Ringgit.html
